Video and Voice Conferencing Options

Most of the new hosted business phone systems, in addition to being inexpensive to implement with usually little or no upfront or additional monthly recurring costs to implement, make video/voice conferencing for 30, 50 or even a 100 users a standard or inexpensively optional feature for even the smallest user.
As “Social Distancing” has now become a catch-phrase as well as an important component in conducting business during these trying times, video/voice conferencing is an excellent feature for continuing standard business operations and saving small and medium-sized businesses the substantial expense of cancelling meetings or operations entirely.
Feel free to contact me directly to learn more about how these features can benefit your small business during these hopefully short-lived emergency measures.
Be safe, wash your hands often, and feel free to reach out to me at any of the below numbers for further information on these valuable, low-cost options.